Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Still so many questions about this running malarkey

Running is simple, right?  It's just putting one foot in front of the other after all.  Then why does it sometimes still seem quite a complex activity, with so many variables?

So, what questions have I still got?  A few are below:
- is my fuelling/hydration correct?  I don't think it is, and I need to work on that especially for a marathon.  Before the Half Marathon I weighed myself and I was 12st10lb (which is a good weight for me, by the way!).  After the event, I stuffed myself with kit kats, creme eggs, orange juice, crisps and water and when I got home I was 12st6lb.  What has caused that weight loss.....fluid loss?  If so, those fluids (including salts) need to be replaced.  How am I going to do that on a marathon?  I don't know yet, but I'll work on it.
- what time can I expect at the marathon in May?  Sub-4:30?  Sub-4:15?  At a push, Sub-4:00?  Why does this matter...surely I should just go out and try my best and see what happens?  I will of course do that on the day, but I'm still tinkering with my training paces (LSR especially, which I know I tend to run too quickly).
- after all the preparations I made in terms of food/fuel, why was I still peckish on the start line?  I think this is because I usually run at 8am and I had eaten as if I was running at 8am.  However, with the race starting at 9am and having to leave at around 8am to get there I had my food at home.  Should I look at what I can eat in the car on the way to an event?  Maybe.

What is interesting is that I think the vast majority of runners (whether they are in the middle of the pack like me, at the sharp end contending for places, or nearer the back on their own personal challenges) all continually think about these types of things.  My wife was spectating on the weekend, and people were calling out to runners asking how they were doing.  Every runner, without exception, was moaning about something.  No runner said they were doing really well and were happy….it was all, "I'm too hot", "I'm too cold", "This course is rubbish", "I'm hungry", "I'm thirsty", "My knee is hurting" etc etc.  I know when I'm running I have so much going on my head and I'm arguing with myself about various things.  What a funny bunch we are!

On reflection of my Exeter Half time, I am now happier....a PB is a PB after all!!  In June 2012 I struggled with a 2hr Half, October 2012 I did a 1hr 50 (breaking a 5 year old PB) and on the weekend I did a 1hr 47 so I do know that is a really good improvement.  I wish I had reacted differently on the start line, but I didn't and I can't change that now.  There's always the next event, which for me is just three weeks away.

I do have a bet with myself.  If I do not go out too quickly on my next Half Marathon, I will treat myself to a large mixed grill and a few pints afterwards.  I must not go off too quickly at the next event.  I must stick to my plan, get to half way more or less on target (not under target) and reassess how I am feeling at that point.

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